National Quilt Museum brand design
National Quilt Museum brand design

Quilt Museum brand identity and brand guidelines

  • Category: Brand design
  • Designed while at Liquid
  • We won a national pitch against a host of UK design agencies to design an identity for the national Quilt Museum based in York, quite an achievement given two of the agencies were 'museum specialists'.

After an initial pitch against other design agencies, which we won, the museum then selected one of the three designs I had put forward. The selected option was arguably the simplest of the designs but I feel what they really liked was the ability to bring the identity to life by using quilt images within it.

The rationale behind the logo came from researching what the definition of the word quilt was - in its simplest form a quilt is any idem made up of at least two pieces joined together. This led to the idea of the two pieces forming the Q shape.

Given the history of some of the museum's contents and also the building they were going to be housed in I opted for a colour palette that evoked heritage and tradition.

  • For further examples of design for the Quilt Museum including the brand guidelines, interiors and signage and promotional literature please click the relevant words to access the link.
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    Peter Dykeaylen Graphic Designer PETER DYKEAYLEN GRAPHIC DESIGNER