Performing Seal brand design

Performing Seal brand identity and brand guidelines

  • Category: Brand design
  • Designed while at Scarlet Arch
  • How do you make a gel that fills tyres to stop you getting punctures interesting and exciting? You think differently and produce a brand that is memorable and iconic.

Once the name had been conjured up the identity almost slotted in to place, I needed to design a seal that was somehow performing and as the nature of the product was to do with tyre filling I gave it a circus feel with a juggling seal. I wanted to design a character along the same lines as the Churchill dog.

After my initial sketches had been sent to a company to produce a CGI the character was still not there so I produced the identity using a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop – with a lot of airbrush work to get tone and shade.

  • For further examples of the brand guidelines, the advertising and the digital seal illustrations click the relevant word to access the link.
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    Peter Dykeaylen Graphic Designer PETER DYKEAYLEN GRAPHIC DESIGNER